ayako miyawaki
January 24, 2019 to February 3, 2019
72 rue Mazarine paris France
10:00 - 18:00
tuesday to saturday
“It is with great pleasure that Ayako Miyawaki’s work will be presented in Paris for the first time. Many visitors to the Toyota Municipal Art Museum have already familiarized themselves with his creations, but how will all of you be seen? It was shortly after World War II in 1945 that she began her creative activities. Once released from the war where she had to protect her children from air attacks, a desire to create something arose in her. During this life of poverty, she came up with the idea of ​​the art of appliqués using scraps of fabric. The motifs she chose were often everyday items in the kitchen such as food or flowers from the garden or by the wayside. She observed them each time with a fresh gaze without preconceived ideas. She put all her energy into finding expression through the fabric appliqué. His sense of choice of fabric patterns, colors or materials reminds me of traditional Japanese clothing. It’s like the Kimono that transforms into various styles depending on the coordination of accessories and fabrics of different qualities thanks to its table setting technique and the use of amazing fabrics. In Ayako Miyawaki's applique, we can perceive the wonderful Japanese sensibility that has been cultivated in everyday life for decades. " Masahiro MURATA Director of the Toyota Municipal Art Museum
January 24, 2019 to February 3, 2019
72 rue Mazarine paris France
10:00 - 18:00
tuesday to saturday
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